Integral Global Consulting (IGC) is an 8(a) small business firm that works with US and international government organizations, private foundations, educational institutions, and foreign ministries to develop and implement sustainable public health solutions. IGC was formed on the platform of the global health security agenda (GHSA), encompassing the core four principles of surveillance, workforce development, laboratory capacity building, and emergency operations center development. IGC currently operates in Eastern Europe, Central and South Asia, the Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa, IGC has had extensive impact coordinating and implementing public health programs for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of State (DOS), the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the private sector (Gilead Pharmaceuticals and Roche Diagnostics), and private foundations. Through these collaborations, IGC manages inter-agency coordination between government and non-governmental partners to bring resources where they are most needed.
Our Differentiators
Boots on the Ground

By fostering local relationships, we create impact by rapidly deploying personnel and working with partners on the ground to address public health needs anywhere from cities and rural villages to conflict zones and hard-to-reach areas.
Multisectoral Relationships

Our continued success bridging people and systems allows us to unite experts and resources from various organizations and technical areas for the common goal of improving public health outcomes where it is most needed.
Clear-Cut Values

We consistently prioritize integrity and sustainability in offering high-quality interventions to strengthen public health systems and further global health security goals.