Emergency Response in Uzbekistan

In October 2020, Integral Global Health (IGH) was awarded a cooperative agreement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to conduct global health security (GHS) activities in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The cooperative agreement was in partnership with CRDF Global.

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IGH was assisting the government of Uzbekistan in developing the country’s first Emergency Operations Center (EOC), located inside the Services for Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-being (SSEW) in Tashkent. The EOC was designed to improve public health emergency and surveillance systems, enhancing the country’s capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to natural occurring outbreaks, intentional or accidental releases, and biological threats of international concern.

Previously, Uzbekistan did not have a center for public health officials to tackle public health emergencies for intra-country and regional events. IGH has trained the EOC staff to better coordinate activities from the national level and support local level responses.

The long-term impact in Uzbekistan continues to surround the development of workforce capacity, which supports the country to become an emergency response hub for the Central Asian region. IGH developed the EOC to strengthen collaboration efforts with neighboring countries through electronic surveillance databases, providing mechanisms for international peer-to-peer mentorship, and creating rosters of available international response teams to deploy between countries during outbreaks.

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National Emergency Operations Center

March 2021


The construction team worked to transform the space into a functional environment for the staff in-country to respond rapidly during small or large -scale national responses.

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May 2021


IGH’s in-country program coordinator, Malika Khodjaeva, provided logistical support to upgrade the EOC space with new technology, enhancing communication and surveillance mechanisms.

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June 2021


IGH celebrated the opening ceremony of the Uzbekistan’s first EOC. Members from the CDC regional and Uzbekistan offices, officials from the SSEW, and the United States ambassador celebrated the accomplishment of building epidemiological capacity.

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September 2021


The construction team worked to transform the space into a functional environment for the staff in-country to respond rapidly during small or large -scale national responses.

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April 2022

Outbreak Investigation

IGH conducted an outbreak investigation and basic Recognition and Initial Management of Illness Clusters (RIMIC) training. They brought subject matter expert (SME), Dr. Ziad Kazzi, to provide Toxicology training.

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July 2022

Training Simulation

IGH implemented a week-long PHEOC training simulation on national action plan and standard operating procedure development. This included an intensive simulation of a Public Health Event of International Concern (PHEIC).

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September 2022

Final Roundtable

IGH implemented a final roundtable event for members from the PHEOC, National SSEW, and other key stakeholders such as the World Health Organization and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The roundtable highlighted key successes of the PHEOC program, along with recommendations to further develop in-country capacity. IGH was proud to be a part of the PHEOC development in Uzbekistan.

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