Toxidrome Recognition in Lebanon

Supporting Lebanese CBRN Teams, Emergency Medicine Physicians, and First Responders in Toxidrome Recognition Training and In-Depth Discussions

IGC, in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories, will support 15 Lebanese participants to attend the Middle East and North Africa Toxicology Association (MENATOX) Conference, held February 8-11 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). IGC’s chemical, radiological and toxicology subject matter expert (SME), Dr. Ziad Kazzi, will collaborate with SNL to host side events for the Lebanese focused on toxidrome recognition and action planning sessions. To support SNL, IGC has conducted outreach to identify 15 participants for the conference and side events, lead the logistical support process (e.g., visa requirements, venue arrangements), instruct using the Recognition and Initial Management of Illness Clusters (RIMIC) course, and assist SNL in facilitating next steps and action planning discussions.

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