Past International Staffing Support

Integral Global Consulting (IGC) supported the Emergency Response and Recovery Branch (ERRB) and Division of Global HIV and Tuberculosis (DGHT)  at the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the implementation of public health programs in Sub-Saharan Africa. IGC provided high-level technical assistance in cholera response, WASH evaluation, nutrition service evaluation, surveillance strengthening, biostatistics and health information system strengthening.

Democratic Republic of Congo

IGC’s Field Support Officer (FSO) provided technical assistance to CDC in the implementation of cholera prevention and control and WASH improvement activities in DRC. . The FSO coordinated and managed the implementation of these activities in North and South Kivu, and provided technical assistance for WASH, surveillance, laboratory, and immunization programs. Additionally, IGC’s FSO worked closely with WASH and laboratory partners in the region to evaluate surveillance and outbreak control measures for all waterborne diseases prevalent in DRC.

Burkina Faso/South Sudan

IGC provided technical assistance to Ministries of Health in Burkina Faso and South Sudan for COVID-19 prevention and control, routine health program service delivery program evaluation and surveillance strengthening. IGC’s Surveillance Technical Advisor in Burkina Faso provided technical assistance to CDC’s partner Red Cross to implement community-based surveillance trainings in conflict affected areas. IGC’s Nutrition Technical Advisor in South Sudan worked closely with Action Against Hunger, CDC, and Johns Hopkins University to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on nutrition program delivery.


IGC’s Biostatistician and Health Information System Specialist . coordinated with CDC- Tanzania and other USG partner agencies to design surveillance activities, capacity building trainings, develop health information systems and implement activities in line with Tanzania’s PEPFAR Country Operational Plan.  IGC’s Biostatistician collaborated with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW), National AIDS Control Program (NACP), and Zanzibar AIDS Control Program (ZACP), and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in the design and implementation of science and surveillance activities. This included capacity strengthening efforts for the application of rigorous statistical methods and standardization of reporting indicators. IGC’s HIS specialist provided guidance to the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC), National AIDS Control Program, Zanzibar Integrated HIV, TB and Leprosy Program and other Government of Tanzania agencies in the design and implementation of HIS activities, including capacity strengthening in the development of rigorous data and information systems.