Current Domestic Staffing Support

Integral Global Consulting (IGC) provides support to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for emergency response, program analysis and evaluation, and administrative support to the mission of the agency. IGC’s technical expertise includes the provision of interpretation, language, and coaching support for DGHP staff, and support for the Performance Evaluation Office (PEO) and Policy Analysis and Engagement Office (PAEO) offices by facilitating retreats and developing training materials. IGC personnel provide overarching support to CDC in improving performance and implementing strategic initiatives.

Program Analysis

IGC is supporting CDC’s PEO and PAEO with implementing strategies and recommendations through the framework CDC Moving Forward. IGC aids in the implementation of strategic planning, training, communication and material development, and leadership retreats.


IGC provides administrative support services to the Emergency Response and Recovery Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. IGC staffs an administrative support specialist to assist with the implementation of human resource processes, travel arrangements, onboarding, and security clearance procedures.

Interpretation, Language, and Coaching

IGC provides specialized consulting services to the Emergency Response and Recovery Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. IGC’s contracted Linguist instructs CDC staff in French and English, including lessons for beginners and advanced lessons in subject area language. Additionally, the Linguist in this role provides language coaching to prepare staff to deliver presentations, translates subject matter materials for circulation to CDC country partners and provides simultaneous interpretation during CDC meetings with partners.

Data Analysis Support for Polio in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

IGC provides technical support by staffing two Data Managers to support CDC’s Polio Eradication Branch Eastern Mediterranean Regional Team. IGC personnel assist with data management and analysis for Afghanistan and polio outbreak and at-risk countries in the EMR, including technical support to ministries of health and the Afghanistan NEOC in the implementation of the Afghanistan Polio Management Information System.